Fee Structure

In an ideal world and in ancient tribal life, services like I offer would have been offered by the community Shaman, Priest, Elder or Wise Figure. It would not have cost as the shaman's needs were taken care of by the community. Unfortunately, this type of help has been commercialized in modern society; The practice of psychotherapy is my livelihood on which I depend to support my family. There are some non-profit resources in our community that offer psychotherapy for a minimal fee. I have included these resources on the referral page of my website.

I also have opted not to participate in the medical insurance billing system as I want to retain all the rights to run my own practice in a way I know works for me and my clients. If you need to use your medical insurance for psychotherapy please refer to your insurance carrier for their list of in network providers. If your insurance companies policy allow you to be reimbursed for out of network health expenses I can provide the appropriate documentation in the form of a receipt that can satisfy your carriers administrative requirements.


16314 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78232, USA


50 min session
Individual Therapy $175.00
Couples Therapy $200.00
Group Session $30.00/person


I accept Credit Cards

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