How I Work

My approach in psychotherapy and how I work with my clients is informed by a deep respect and compassion for the human complexity of suffering. Through my own journey of making peace with the suffering parts of myself I have found ways to work with my clients that can bring them into similar spaces of peace, acceptance and aliveness. If you have questions or wish to schedule an appointment after reading below the best way is to email me at

If you are wondering whether I am a good fit for you to work with
this is what you might expect

You will be invited to share with me some significant life events that have shaped who you are now, to slow everything down in the moment, to ask your thinking mind to step back and connect with your body's experience, with what is happening in you body. And to open up to and expand your capacity to be with parts of yourself that typically get exiled or controlled.

You will be aided in connecting with the core of you that is fundamentally whole and ultimately resourceful. And will be guided in bringing forth these inner resources and resilient qualities of yourself to those parts of you needing acknowledgment, validation, acceptance, and compassion.

You will be helped to identify behaviors in your life and in your relationships that are more aligned with what matters most to you, and less driven by fear and shame.

I may not be a good fit for you
if you are expecting some of the following

  • If you are seeking couples counseling in the hope of changing your partner.
  • If you are seeking a therapist that will tell you what to do.
  • If you are wanting to just sit and chat for an hour.
  • If you just want help in crisis management and are not interested in exploring the internal and external dynamics feeding the cycles of crisis in your life.
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