Couples Counseling

The couples work I do is informed by attachment theory and a systems perspective.“Emotional Focused Couples Therapy” (Sue Johnson) and “Intimacy From The Inside Out” (Toni Herbine-Blanc) are two approaches I have found to be highly effective and efficient. These approaches help couples to identify stuck interactional patterns that build into cycles over time in the service of protection and safety. Once emotional safety is threatened in either partner the autonomic nervous system takes over and attack/defend/blame cycles escalate.

Our work together in couples therapy will be to identify these redundant cycles and take a deep dive to the vulnerable parts of each partner that are getting triggered, and attachment needs unmet, and bring some understanding and compassion to those parts that carry much pain. Through this process an environment of safety is created and from this space true understanding can happen along with an ability to respond in more appropriate ways to needs of self and partner.

Individual Psychotherapy

My primary orientation in individual counseling is informed by Internal Family Systems or IFS (Richard Schwartz). This approach is a departure from classical psychology with its focus on psychological disorders. The IFS approach and its philosophical foundations has a wide enough lens to respect the mystery and complexity of who we are as human beings. It is one of the most well aligned theories of psychological health that supports the core values and wisdom of the Christian contemplative tradition and indeed all other ancient wisdom traditions.

Relatefullness/Circling Group Sessions

As a certified facilitator of circling and Relatefullness Group Work, I facilitate group participants in processes that promote a genuine and authentic way of showing up to self with others in the present moment. This is a very alive experience as participants practice the skills or relatefullness, and grow in their capacity to hold an "I' "You" "We" perspective while a deepening connection and empathy emerge..

Office Space

I also work with clients remotely over the zoom platform.

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